Green Cheek Conure: Everything new pet owners should know
- VIParrot
- March 20, 2023
- 8:41 pm

Species Overview
Also Known As: Yellow-sided conure, green-cheeked parakeet, green-cheeked parrot and green-cheeked
Scientific Name: Pyrrhura molinae
Adult Size: 10 inches
Life Expectancy: ~25 years
Is The Green Cheek Conure a good pet?
- Playful and affectionate
- Small in size
- Long Lifespan
- Intelligent and easy to train
- Colorful and attractive Plummage
- Social
- Cheaper than other Parrot Species
- They can be messy eaters
- High maintenance and need to be socialized and exercised regularly
- Prone to developing behavioral issues
- Sensitive to environmental changes such as change of living space.
Green cheek conures can make an excellent addition to your home as a pet. Studies show this species is a better option for individuals who haven’t kept a bird pet. The turquoise green cheeked conure make good pets as they have an affectionate temperament, are attractive, intelligent, easy to manage, and can easily socialize with family members. In addition to this, these birds usually don’t make too much noise or disturb you around your homestead however should be noted they do make loud vocalizations from time to time.
Pros –
Playful and affectionate personality: these birds enjoy spending time with their owners and often seek attention and affection.
Small size: Green Cheek Conures are relatively small compared to other parrot species. The smaller size makes them a good option for those with limited space.
Long lifespan: Green Cheek Conures can live up to 25 years with proper care and attention. Their long lifespan makes them long-term family members.
Intelligent and easy to train: It’s easy to train them to perform tricks and learn new behaviors.
Low maintenance: the green-cheeked conures are relatively low-maintenance pets. They don’t require a lot of space, and their diet is relatively simple.
Colorful and attractive plumage: The bright green feathers and red cheeks make them attractive birds to own.
Social: Green cheek conures are social birds and enjoy being part of a flock. They can be a great addition to a household with other pets. However, you have to introduce and manage them gradually.
Cost-effective: Compared to other parrot species, green cheek conures are relatively less costly. Their cost effective nature makes them a more accessible pet option for many people.
Cons –
They can be messy eaters: Thus, they may scatter food and feathers around their cage or living area.
May develop behavioral issues: green-cheeked parakeet Conures may develop behavioral issues such as biting, screaming, or feather-plucking. These behaviors come with improper training and a lack of socialization.
Sensitive to environmental changes: these birds may become stressed or agitated in unfamiliar environments, when you change their living space or routine.
General Information
These gorgeous South American natives are highly social, intelligent, and affectionate birds. Besides living in the wild, most individuals choose to take them home as they make a great addition to the home and tend to be perky, warm, and blossom with time. They love to play and interact with their owners. While not all green cheek conures develop the ability to talk, some will learn a few phrases or words over time.
These birds have a stocky build and physical appearance with broad and short tails. You can notice a Green Cheek Conure as they have a distinctive bright green plumage on the wings and back, they’ve got a red patch on the upper wings and a grayish-brown belly and breast, they also have vibrant red cheeks that make them stick out amongst their other feathered friends.
What food do they eat?
These flying pets can eat a wide range of foods, including seeds, vegetables, and fruits. Nevertheless,
turquoise green cheeked conure’s favorite foods include corn, pasta, carrots, raisins, banana, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, potatoes, and pasta. We advise diversifying the food to include more vegetables and fresh fruits to keep your Green Cheek Conure healthy. Besides natural food, you can provide the bird with high-quality pellets to provide all essential nutrients.
Green Cheek Conure Price
The green cheek conure price is up to $600. The price can vary depending on the bird’s appearance, age, level of human interaction, and training. For instance, a hand-reared, young, bright-colored turquoise green cheeked conure is usually expensive.
Despite the price, it’ll be vital to consider where you purchase the birds. You can consider rescue organizations and animal shelters as the best alternative to buying one from a breeder. With numerous locations and breeders, choosing a reputable option may be challenging. The best places you can check to adopt a green cheek conure in the United States include Adopt a pet, and Petfinder.
Besides these locations, you can consider buying the pet from a reputable bird breeder. Ensure you interview the breeder to check the bird’s general health and living conditions. You can also talk to past customers to get their reviews and thoughts on the breeder. We advise that you stay away from breeders with inactive birds in cramped inhumane living conditions or that avoid responding to your inquiries. If a breeder is responsive to your queries then this is a good sign, and don’t be overly alarmed if they deny your request to visit their location as some breeders like to have a closed aviary to ensure diseases don’t enter their flock.
How big is the Green Cheek Conure?
The green cheek conure is a small to medium-sized parrot. Generally, these birds are approximately 10 inches (25 cm) in length, from the head to the tip of the tail. They weigh an average of 60 to 80 grams. The smaller size makes them the perfect flying pet if you reside in smaller living spaces.
What sounds do Green Cheek Conures make?
Despite the birds being quieter or less noisy, they make various sounds. Green cheek conure makes a wide range of vocalizations and sounds. The common sounds you can hear from your conure include;
Chirping: when they’re happy, excited, or content
Whistling: they learn when you teach them various melodies or tunes
Screaming: especially when scared, threatened, or excited
Talking: they can say a few phrases and words with proper training or socialization.
Clicking: to show relaxation or contentment
Hissing: to express fear, threats, or warning to others
With each bird or species being different, some conures may be more vocal than others. In addition, the volume and frequency vary depending on various factors. The bird’s age, gender, and environment will determine the vocal level of these birds. You develop your bird’s vocal habits with proper training and socialization.
Can the Green Cheek Conure share an enclosure with other birds?
Green cheek conures can share an enclosure with other birds. However, it’ll be important to consider the compatibility of the birds you choose to enclose with your conure. Despite being social birds, the green cheek conures are territorial. Thus, they may become aggressive towards other birds that threaten to evade their territory or use their resources. In addition to this, more aggressive and larger birds could injure your green cheek conure. You can only enclose the green cheek conure with birds having similar sizes and temperaments. These birds include budgies, cockatiels, lovebirds, and other conure species. We advise that you introduce these new birds gradually and monitor their interactions. You can also provide separate water or food bowls and perches to minimize conflict between them.
Breeding of the Green Cheek Conure in the wild and Captivity
Breeding of the green cheek conures can occur in captivity and the wild. These birds typically breed during the rainy seasons in the wild. The birds mate, and the female lays 3 to 6 eggs in a nest (Typically in a tree cavity). Both parents incubate the eggs and care for the young ones.
In captivity, with proper care and conducive environmental conditions, these conures can breed all year round. However, it’s good to select the birds carefully as not all are compatible for breeding. You should monitor the breeding process to ensure the birds and their offspring are safe. You ensure their safety by providing the birds with a proper nest box and nesting material. In addition to this, give them a nutritious diet to support the female during egg production and incubation. After the eggs hatch, the parent will care for the young ones to keep them warm and give them food. You can monitor the development and growth of the chick to provide any necessary help like feeding or medical care by a licensed veterinarian.
Green cheeked conures have a reputation for being a playful and affectionate bird. Besides their playful and affectionate nature, these birds have friendly and curious personalities. Studies show these birds are highly social and enjoy spending time with their owners. Also, Green Cheek Conures are popular for their mischievous behavior and love of play. Thus, they enjoy toys and puzzles and can be quite acrobatic. You can often hang them upside down from your hand or watch them swing from toys. Despite their friendly and outgoing nature, Green Cheek Conures can sometimes be shy or skittish around new people or in new environments. Proper socialization and training can help to alleviate any skittish tendencies. Furthermore, it helps the bird to become more comfortable in different situations. It’s important to note that Green Cheek Conures are also known for their loud vocalizations.
Common Diseases
While the green cheek conure is a healthy pet, this bird species may be prone to various diseases. The common ailments of the green cheek conure include:
– Proventricular dilations sickness
– Quill plucking
– Sensory system illness
– Aspergillosis
– Psittacine snout and quill illness
– Nasal discharge
– Bacterial contamination
– Bill misalignment
While these birds don’t often contract these diseases, your loved pet could have health issues during their lifetime. Thus, examining the pet regularly (approximately every two to three weeks) will be appropriate to identify any health issue. Consult with your veterinarian to treat and provide the bird with appropriate care in case you notice any warning signs.
A video review on the Green Cheek Conure as a pet
The Green Cheek Conure as a Pet
The green cheek conure can make an ideal pet and a greater addition to your home. These birds are highly playful, social, intelligent, and easily bond with their owners. Green cheek conure’s small size makes them the best option when having limited space. While they’re interesting, playful, and attractive pets, you must provide proper care and attention. Proper care involves regular exercise, mental stimulation, and a good diet. If you’re planning to adopt a green cheek conure as a pet, it’s vital to understand the care requirements. Remember also to consider getting the bird from a reputable rescue organization instead of buying from a breeder. With adequate attention and proper care, a green cheek conure can be a wonderful addition to your home.