Bringing Home a Golden Conure: Tips for new Pet Owners
- VIParrot
- February 8, 2023
- 8:28 pm

Species Overview
Also Known As: Golden Parakeet
Scientific Name: Guaruba guarouba
Adult Size: 14 inches
Life Expectancy: 20-35 years
Is The Golden Conure a good pet?
- Social and affectionate
- Can be good with children
- Intelligent
- Beautiful yellow and golden plumage
- They can be loud
- Demand a lot of attention
- Not good for apartment living
Yes of course they for a good pet bird, with the exception of their very loud Screech, referred to by Conure lovers as the Conure Nuclear Alert (CNA). All Conures need to be well socialized in order to make good companions. The Golden is no exception. The more family commotion and activity to participate in, the better they like it. They love to be petted and touched and do very well with children who are taught to be gentle with them.
General Information
The extremely rare Golden Conure (in the wild and captivity) was once considered to be of the Macaw Family, because of it’s head size (large) and tail size and shape, but; was recently reclassified to the Conure family after further comparisons were made.
In the wild, its habitat is restricted to northeastern Brazil, south of the Amazon River, from the west bank of the Rio Tapajos, Para and east to northwestern Maranhaao. They prefer hilly upland areas of terra firma rather than verzea, or flooded forest.
There is no proven life span record, established yet (that this writer can locate), but; estimates are 20-35 years, if living in an ideal domestic situation. Like the Hyacinth Macaw, (these birds are so near extinction in the wild, due to loss of habitat, hunting for their feathers for adornment and of course the pet trade in South America and other countries who still allow importation that the World Parrot Trust is striving to re-establish their numbers and save the species.
They are covered all over with bright yellow feathers, which are in striking contrast to the dark green primary flights. They average 14 inches in length and weigh 8.8 ozs (249 g). Because of their massive head and beak, many people feel the Golden’s more closely resemble macaws than conures. Immature birds have scattered green feathers on the upper wing-coverts and cheeks and are rather slimmer in build. They are among the most expensive conures both to purchase and to care for, although many owners feel that the benefits outweigh the cost.
What food do they eat?
Golden conures eat seeds, nuts, buds, flowers and fruits, as well as agricultural crops such as corn and mangoes. These birds are found only in a small part of central Brazil in the eastern Amazon River Basin. They inhabit lowland “terra firme” rainforest, which are forest areas that do not flood seasonally. In captivity a nutritious pellet with natural flavors would suit this bird well.
They can be rescued, adopted, or purchased at verified organizations or adoption websites like Petfinder. Pricing are around $3500 from breeders. Its not a cheap bird compared to their smaller counterparts but will make an amazing companion for life if you decide to own one.
If you want to choose a breeder, make sure that the breeder is reputable by asking them how long they’ve been breeding and working with Conures. Ask for a tour, but don’t be alarmed if you are unable to tour the facilities in which they keep the birds. Many reputable breeders opt to work under closed aviaries, which prevents diseases from infecting the flock.
How big is the Golden Conure?
They average 14 inches in length and weigh 8.8 ozs (249 g). If you are the fortunate companion of a Golden Conure, please take stock of their cage size, bar spacing and interior roominess as they need lots of room to move around.
These birds are wood chewers extraordinaire. These birds have a fun and playful nature so they need room to climb, play, explore and forage. Putting treats or food in a crumpled piece of plain paper is a wonderful game for them and is a testament to their personality and inquisitive nature.
Common Diseases
– Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD)
– Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease
– Psittacosis
– Beak malocclusion and Aspergillosis